My preaching and speaking

Various examples of my preaching and speaking are available online, some even for free!

I preach regularly at St Andrews Baptist Church; all our sermons are recorded and podcast here.

Recordings of some of my conference speaking are available to buy from Essential Christian here. Highlights include Living Like Maggots: Is preaching still relevant in the C21st? (Baptist Assembly 2009); One People (on God’s place for Israel; Spring Harvest, 2007); and God and Genocide in the Old Testament (Spring Harvest, 2011).

If for some reason you would like to see me in action, you can buy a DVD of a sermon on Esther 4 (Spring Harvest, 2010) here.


One Response “My preaching and speaking” →

  1. Richard Woodhouse

    December 24, 2012

    I am reading your new book, “Quest for the Trinity”, and I am finding it a very good historical and also contemporary relflection on the origins of the Doctrine and where some of the current theories have gone wrong. I think that the work of scholars like Larry Hurtado and Richard Bauckham have been of great help and go a long way in helping us understand Early Christianity. The points made by you in numerouse parts of the book about the importance of Worship of Jesus, is an astounding fact of Early Christian belief. This is something that I can remember C. F. D Moule and Richard France pointing out back in the 70’s and 80’s. Also the German scholar Martin Hengel as well. It puts the history of religions theories of Christian origins on the defensive. Though you would never know this from popularized versions of it paraded at every Christian Holiday on Secular TV documentaries. A really good book. You are to be thanked for producing such a good work. Thank you. Rick from the USA


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